Corporate Sponsorships
Corporate sponsorships are good business. As a sponsor of An Appalachian Summer Festival, your company will realize tangible marketing benefits in return for your sponsorship investment, while supporting one of the premier arts programs in the Southeastern U.S. and positioning your company as a partner with one of the region’s most highly attended public events. Among the benefits available to corporate sponsors include:
- Special Events (receptions, dinners, company nights)
- Free tickets and/or discount vouchers for employees and VIPs
- Recognition via festival publications, advertising and media coverage
- High visibility among the festival audience, including on-stage recognition
- Other benefits specifically tailored to our sponsors’ needs
Sponsorship opportunities begin at the $5,000 level, with benefits accruing as the level of sponsorship increases. Regardless of the sponsorship level you select, the festival’s staff will be pleased to work with you in creating an integrated sponsorship program designed to meet your company’s unique marketing objectives.
Ideal demographics
Our highly diverse audience of 28,000 makes us the ideal partner in reaching specific target markets. As with most arts patrons, festival audiences comprise an important demographic profile: our typical audience member is age 45+, upper middle income, and well educated. Festival audiences are informed consumers, who support businesses that are committed to the arts in their communities.
Proven track record
Over the last several years, the festival has experienced growth in every aspect of its operations, including ticket sales, attendance, corporate sponsorships and individual giving. In polls conducted by Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corporation, a festival sponsor for the past ten years, 97-100% of its customers surveyed have voiced support for the company’s continued sponsorship of An Appalachian Summer Festival.
Sponsorship levels
Detailed below are specific benefits associated with each of the corporate sponsorship levels offered by An Appalachian Summer Festival.
$5,000 - $9,999 (Festival Underwriter)
General support of festival performances
- Logo recognition at tier status in festival brochure, playbill, website, eblasts, lobby, and theatre
- Complimentary half-page ad in festival playbill
- Six (6) tickets to selection of events
- VIP parking privileges
- Credit line in festival press releases and recognition on rack cards
- Social media tags/recognition
- Recognition in thank-you ad placed in regional newspaper
- Invitation to festival VIP receptions
- Invitation to university VIP events
- Framed festival poster
$10,000 - $19,999 (Supporting Series Sponsor)
Designation as a supporting sponsor of the Schaefer Spotlight Series (up to 5 events) or another series of choice at sponsor’s request
- Logo recognition at tier status in festival brochure, playbill, website, eblasts, lobby, and theatre
- Complimentary half-page ad in festival playbill
- Twenty (20) tickets to selection of events
- VIP parking privileges
- Credit line in festival press releases and recognition on rack cards
- Social media tags/recognition
- Recognition in thank-you ad placed in regional newspaper
- Invitation to festival VIP receptions
- Invitation to university VIP events
- Curtain speech recognition at sponsored performances
- Lobby display at sponsored festival performance
- Invitation to artist Meet-and-Greet, based on availability of select artists
- Framed festival poster
$20,000 - $49,999 (Principal Series Sponsor)
This sponsorship is customizable. Options include supporting sponsorship designation of the Schaefer Spotlight Series or a festival series of choice, as well as a large-venue performance (as available) OR a customizable selection of festival performances.
- Logo recognition at tier status in festival brochure, playbill, website, eblasts, lobby, and theatre
- Complimentary full-page ad in festival playbill
- Twenty (20) tickets to selection of events
- VIP parking privileges
- Credit line in festival press releases and recognition on rack cards
- Social media tags/recognition
- Recognition in thank-you ad placed in regional newspaper
- Invitation to festival VIP receptions
- Invitation to university VIP events
- Curtain speech recognition at sponsored performances
- Lobby display at sponsored festival performance
- Ticket benefits, tbd with sponsor and ticket availability
- Employee discounts for tickets to sponsored performance
- Invitation to artist Meet-and-Greet, based on availability of select artists
- Framed festival poster
$50,000+ (Lead Sponsor)
These customized opportunities include sponsorship of high-profile special events or targeted programming initiatives (such as educational/outreach programming). Year-round sponsorship opportunities extending into the university’s academic year are also available in this category.
- Logo recognition as lead sponsor status in festival brochure, playbill, website, eblasts, lobby, and theatre
- Complimentary full-page ad in festival playbill
- Twenty (20) tickets to selection of events
- VIP parking privileges
- Credit line in festival press releases and recognition on rack cards
- Social media tags/recognition
- Recognition in thank-you ad placed in regional newspaper
- Invitation to festival VIP receptions
- Invitation to university VIP events
- Curtain speech recognition at sponsored performances
- Lobby display at sponsored festival performance
- Ticket benefits, tbd with sponsor and ticket availability
- Employee discounts for tickets to sponsored performance
- Invitation to artist Meet-and-Greet, based on availability of select artists
- Naming opportunity for recognition in connection with performance series
- Year-round recognition in association with Schaefer Center arts and education outreach programming
- Customized benefits geared to sponsor’s interests
- Framed festival poster
Advertise with us
Put your business front and center of our engaged and sophisticated patrons by advertising in our playbill, distributed at more than 25 festival events. For more information on how your company or business can advertise with An Appalachian Summer Festival, please contact:
Allison West
Director of Marketing, Office of Arts and Cultural Programs